Friday, November 15, 2013

Wanted Dead or Alive

November 14th, was a quiet week with the Micro Aquarium. Nothing much has changed since last week. It was yet another quick visit just to check on the basic state of things. It was the last observation, the last real visit, but I was still something to reminisce on. Remembering back on when I first started it to now, there have been many many changes.

Yesterday though, it was fairly quiet in the aquarium. Things were moving about as they should, but there were also things that weren't moving that should've. Again, I don't have the best eyes, but I couldn't tell what was dead and what wasn't. I did see flagellum moving about the aquarium.

This genus is called a Flagellum because there are two, unequal in length flagellum that are on this organism. There is no ingestion apparatus visible in the flagellum (Patterson).

Besides that, the aquarium was fairly, fairly quiet. The aquarium lightened up since last time, there wasn't as much pond scum as there was. The organisms I saw were not as green, although there were some rotifers swimming about the aquarium. The plant itself was still living, and oh there was nasty brown substances forming on the bottom corners of the aquarium.

Other than that basic stuff, the aquarium project was a fun one. It was cool seeing the transition of live organisms to dead, and seeing the aquarium itself really grow into a pond overtime. I will probably have another blog entry before this closes. Tune in for the next one to get the final summary!

Works Cited

Patterson, D.J. "Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa: A Colour Guide". 2003. Washington D.C. Library of Congress. Pg 77.

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